Hey! If this is your first time here, Welcome to The Sage Millennial. I’m Rylan Agera. It’s good to have you.
I created this blog because I want to help you organize your life by simplifying your finances so that you can unlock your freedom to do the things you Love!

Very rarely people discuss their financial goals and keep their finances in check because they are afraid of not having enough money or having not saved enough.
But don’t worry as daunting as it seems, if you are here, you have already taken the first 10 steps towards Your Financial Literacy.
Yes, that’s right. No more running away from your Finances.
Who am I?
My name is Rylan Agera and my goal is to solve your Financial problems and ensure financial literacy everywhere.
Growing up in India, I’ve seen a fair share of stress and anxiety problems just due to a lack of money.
The middle-class struggle with a crappy job which never satisfies them.
Even people who have a lot of money(Upper class) tend to be broke way sooner than you might think.
While struggling your way out of any of these problems, you end up rotating in circles and wasting your life.
All this due to Zero-Knowledge Of Finance at an early age.
Now, let me be clear about a fact before we move any further:
I’m not a professional financial advisor or a CPA or have any other financial degrees.
I’m just a normal guy going through the learning process of how to exit the rat race we all fall into and I think that’s what makes this blog so Unique.
My goal with The Sage Millennial
Through this blog, my goal is to help you eliminate your money problems by ensuring you have enough knowledge about your money.
Most often, one single solution won’t solve all your money problems. It is the culmination of various solutions worked together which will help you achieve your goals.
Learning about how to save most of your money isn’t going to help you if you
- Don’t make enough money as you can’t reduce your primary expenses.
- Don’t have a plan to grow the money you’ve saved.
You need to learn how to make extra money, then save a good amount and grow your money while ensuring you don’t ruin your life in the process.
Makes sense right?
In order to help others and myself grow, I come to realize there are three ways to Financial Freedom:
- Make money
- Save money
- Invest money
If you stick with me I assure you I’m going to help you master the three ways to Financial Freedom.
I know all of this seems a lot, so let’s take baby steps.
First what you need to do is to start recording all your expenses and incomes in a Simple Budget Template.
You can create your own or use my Free Monthly Budget Template.
Next, you need to sign up to become a part of The Sage Millennial Family where we will be providing additional information. (If you have taken our Free Budget Template, you’re already a TSM Member, Hurray!)
Next, you need to check out my new posts and ask your questions in the comments below or email me with your doubts. I’ll reply to them all.
I hope you are now ready to achieve your financial dreams.
Ready. Set. Go.